Deployment Migration

Deployment Migration

Migrate your existing Adobe Connect installation

CoSo Cloud offers a deployment migration service for Adobe Connect customers. CoSo will move your Adobe Connect installation from its current environment, whether installed on premise, or in the cloud in a multi-tenant hosted, or single-tenant managed service implementation.

We migrate your entire deployment, intact and with efficiency and diligence, using our proprietary migration software and services. Our experience and history of success with Adobe Connect migrations to CoSo Cloud managed operations centers ensure consistency and data retention, executed rapidly for maximum availability of your Adobe Connect system.


  • Content: all content loaded to the Adobe Connect server, whether loaded in the Content library or directly into meeting rooms is migrated. Content includes any resources defined as Courses and/or Curriculums
  • Recordings: Both MP4 and ‘native’ Connect recordings, regardless of where they are stored and accessed on the server, are migrated
  • Room Templates: Any default or custom-built templates will be migrated and available in the new implementation, and their existing room associations will be intact.
  • User Data and Permissions:user accounts, profile information, user activities, and permissions to resources on the Adobe Connect account are all migrated
  • Reports: all report data available on Connect remains intact and available through the same reports accessed prior to migration. No historic data is removed.


Throughout the migration process, CoSo will provide a dedicated project manager and our data center and Adobe Connect architecture teams. Additionally, there is typically involvement from Adobe’s technical team, your Adobe Connect partner, and any third-party integrators you may need to involve ensuring a smooth migration. Throughout the process, weekly meetings structured and facilitated by a CoSo project manager, as well as any necessary check-in meetings occur. Every CoSo Managed Service customer has a dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM) who is there to assist throughout the migration process, as well as act as your partner in success with Adobe Connect after the migration for the duration of your future with CoSo.


To learn about our migration services
download our Migration Services Overview.

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