CoSo Connection Community

Bad News Travels Fast

Virtual Training Tip #5: But bad news travels even faster!

Mar 12, 2018   /   by

Tip 5 of 7 part series on “7 Tips for Expanding Virtual Training Within your organization’ Recently we shared 7 Tips for Helping Expand Use of Virtual Training Within Your Organization. As a part of a series, we’re going in-depth on each of these 7 topics. This week, we tackle tip #5 – But bad news […]

Utilize Layouts for a Better Experience

Mar 8, 2018   /   by

A layout is a pre-configured arrangement of panels (or Pods). The default layouts in Adobe Connect are Sharing, Discussion, and Collaboration. The layouts menu and the layout bar are visible only to hosts, and by going into the layouts tab, you can delete, rename, or change the order of the layouts. One way to effectively […]

Good News Travels Fast: Virtual Training Tip #4

Jan 30, 2018   /   by

Tip 4 of 7 part series on “7 Tips for Expanding Virtual Training Within your organization’ Recently we shared 7 Tips for Helping Expand Use of Virtual Training Within Your Organization. As a part of a series, we’re going in-depth on each of these 7 topics. This week, we tackle tip #4 – Good news […]

CoSo Cloud secure against Spectre and Meltdown

Jan 9, 2018   /   by

CoSo Cloud is closely watching recently disclosed vulnerabilities regarding the side-channel analysis of speculative execution on modern computer processors (CVE-2017-5715, CVE-2017-5753, and CVE-2017-5754), also known as “Spectre” and “Meltdown.” This vulnerability has existed in modern processors for more than a decade and impacts processor architectures from numerous vendors.  Specific details about the vulnerabilities can be […]

Timing Is Everything, Virtual Training Tip #3

Nov 6, 2017   /   by

Tip 3 of 7 part series on “7 Tips for Expanding Virtual Training Within your organization’ Recently we shared 7 Tips for Helping Expand Use of Virtual Training Within Your Organization.  As a part of a series, we’re going in-depth on each of these 7 topics.   This week, we tackle tip #3 – “Timing is […]

Additions to your CoSo team

Oct 31, 2017   /   by

2017 has been a year of exciting changes for CoSo Cloud.  In April, we were acquired by AASKI Technology.  The past 6 months have busy as we’ve been incorporating AASKI’s tremendous resources, leadership, and best practices into our organization.  Our entire team couldn’t be more thrilled.  And just a few weeks ago, we moved into […]

Monitoring Virtual Meetings at Once

Oct 18, 2017   /   by

Did you know that . . . Your support teams can monitor multiple, important events simultaneously in one consolidated view? For companies that have mission critical webinars, meetings, or classes, CoSo Cloud partnered with eSyncTraining to develop a Monitoring service that allows support staff to monitor, communicate with, and access several rooms at once.  This […]

Using Dynamic Backgrounds to Improve Adobe Connect User Experience

Oct 16, 2017   /   by

Back to Black An often overlooked feature of Adobe Connect is its ability to provide stunning and engaging custom layouts.  Using a little black magic it’s possible to get beyond the static custom background wallpaper, and provide a dynamic background which appears to participants as changing to highlight the theme of the topic at hand, […]

New Quarter, New Home

Oct 2, 2017   /   by

It’s a been an exciting busy year for CoSo Cloud.  In April we were acquired by AASKI Technologies and officially became CoSo Cloud.  The team was warmly welcomed by AASKI and quickly integrated.  Now, after wrapping up a great Q3 in which we welcomed numerous new members to Sales and our Technical teams we started […]

Start at the Top

Sep 18, 2017   /   by

At the end of July, we shared 7 Tips for Helping Expand Use of Virtual Training Within Your Organization.  Beginning with last month, we’re fleshing out and expanding on each of these tips in a bit more depth. We recently discussed tip #1 – WIIFM. This month, we move right on to number two – […]

Virtual Training Tip #1: WIIFM

Aug 29, 2017   /   by

Last month and in our August Customer Newsletter we shared 7 Tips for Helping Expand Use of Virtual Training Within Your Organization  Beginning this month, we’re fleshing out and expanding on each of these tips in a bit more depth. Let’s start with number one – WIIFM? As in, “What’s in it for me?” Right off […]

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