Micro-Learning With Adobe Connect 9.5 Features


July 20, 2016

One of the most useful features to come along in a while for Adobe Connect was part of the 9.5 release and is definitely worth trying if you haven’t already.  Local MP4 conversion easily converts any Adobe Connect meeting, webinar, or eLearning experience into a universally usable MP4 file.  Combined with Adobe Connects built-in editing capability (another often overlooked feature) your lectures can instantly be converted to micro-learning sessions, uploadable to services like YouTube and Vimeo or integrated into any eLearning curriculum and viewable by any mobile device! 

Local MP4 Conversion

In 2013 with Adobe Connect 9.1, Adobe introduced an MP4 conversion service for customers which enabled them to convert their Adobe Connect recordings to the mobile friendly MP4 format. This service is still available and continues to be a great option, but many customers have wanted the ability to easily convert their recordings themselves without having to use a paid service.

In Adobe Connect 9.5, you are now able to locally convert your Adobe Connect recordings (including recordings made prior to the 9.5 upgrade) to MP4 files. The workflow is similar to the offline FLV conversion that you may be familiar with, with one important exception. The new MP4 conversion process enables you to control the quality and size of the output, choosing the best balance for your needs. The recording settings dialog features four helpful presets to set the quality from Mobile to Full HD. If you’re comfortable with video settings, you can turn on the ‘Advanced Options’ checkbox to manually set the resolution, bandwidth profile, quality, frames per second, and MP4 profile that will be used during the conversion process.

While it uses the standard Adobe Connect add-in to perform the conversion, there’s no additional downloads or software required. The resulting file will be saved to your local computer in this universal format and can then be used in ways only limited by your imagination! Give it a try and make your own micro-lessons!

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