Flash end-of-life Impact for Adobe Connect and the future of HTML5
August 28, 2017
As many of you probably realize, there has been a lot of talk about Adobe Connect and its move toward HTML5 compatibility, as well as Adobe’s recent announcements regarding the deprecation of, and eventual end-of-life for Flash as the primary multimedia platform.
Because of the gravity of this evolution, there naturally has been speculation, new information…and some misinformation around the future state of Adobe Connect as it relates to Flash and HTML5. While Adobe has been hesitant to make public announcements about HTML5 (e.g. HTML5 as a client, etc.), there have been a few bits of insightful information floating around that may or may not be familiar to you. Because of this, I wanted to start gathering what’s out there into one place, and provide any updates we currently have – with the promise of following-up as time goes with any updates, conversations, and current releases we (CoSo) receive about the matter.
As we know, Adobe is still delivering Adobe Connect on Flash, and they are working to mitigate the growing resistance to Flash by various organizations and browsers – but as it stands currently, people are still very reliant on Flash, and the move to multimedia alternatives (i.e. HTML5) will certainly be a gradual one.
Interesting highlights regarding Flash as we move into more recent versions of Adobe Connect:
Version 9.5 (namely 9.5.2) – In this version, users can attend Adobe Connect sessions even if Flash is blocked or not available on their systems. They can do so by using the Adobe Connect Add-in. Users who try joining a session on a ‘Flashless’ environment will be prompted to install the add-in. Users will be required to download and install this add-in and then re-enter the session. The download and install will be a one-time activity only for the user, and this add-in will be launched whenever the user enters an Adobe Connect session. You can find the full article in the 9.5.2 release notes.
Version 9.5.7 – HTML5 support is limited to ‘Virtual Classroom’ content created through Captivate and Presenter – not actual meeting or seminar rooms. Additionally, the creation of the HTML5 content is limited to the beta version of Captivate and Presenter – Adobe is currently working toward HTML5 support in all virtual classroom use.
Version 9.7 – Adobe has had some interesting developments such as a standalone desktop application, and HTML5 administration within Adobe Connect Central. In a great recent Adobe article that Adobe recently sent out, along with some helpful links to information about HTML5 on 9.7, and 9.7.2’s on Connect Central (HERE), as well as some (FAQs). In the article, they also provide the latest update and timeline for the end-of-life of Flash player, which they indicate is 2020. For Flash lovers, breathe a sigh of relief for now! There is time on the horizon for the transition.
Adobe Connect Mobile – Currently Adobe has a mobile HTML-client that’s been developed alongside their desktop version, which is Flash-free. They’ve had to consider different workflows and perhaps some restrictions, but it runs on mobile browsers, without any application install.
Again, this is just the beginning of the conversation. There are a lot of things still in the works around Flash and HTML5 (desktop and mobile) as they relate to newer versions of Adobe Connect. As we learn more, we will commit to sharing this information with our CoSo Adobe Connect clients. In the meantime, if there are any specific needs or concerns you wish to address, please don’t hesitate to contact your CoSo Customer Success Manager.