How We Built GM’s Platform for Mobile Training
October 18, 2016
General Motors is the world’s largest automotive corporation and full-line vehicle manufacturer.
To provide 300,000 sales and other employees at more than 6,000 dealerships around the world with the most immersive training experience, GM and tech leader Raytheon turned to ConnectSolutions (CoSo) to help build a robust Adobe Connect eLearning solution that met their strict requirements for rock-solid reliability, performance, and scale.
Not only did GM need to ensure all appropriate dealership staff got the latest vehicle and sales information, it also needed to confirm the information was absorbed. This meant having proper tracking and reporting capabilities in place that could confirm whether a trainee had participated in all the required training sessions and was capable of incorporating the information into the sales process. Due to the magnitude of GM’s training program— two million courses were conducted last year alone—GM’s platform required a level of quality, reliability, ease of use and security that could not come from an out-of-the-box public cloud or on-premises offering.
With CoSo, GM and Raytheon were able to deliver a mobile learning platform with Virtual Classroom and On Demand capabilities that includes live trainer-led instruction along with the ability for trainees to consume rich media interactive content on their own time and on any device.
Due to the importance of the training results, CoSo also delivered unique customizations to ensure data accuracy and reduce support calls regarding course credit. And because of CoSo’s close relationship with Adobe, GM was also able to influence the rollout of new product capabilities that helped GM meet an ambitious new use case for mobile that allowed them to serve up 200+ On Demand courses on mobile devices with all the rich features from the original lessons, including video, quizzes, and interactive exercises.
The result? GM is able to reliably host as many as two million courses—all with dashboards uniquely fed by aggregated learning data from CoSo that allows GM to keep tabs on all online and offline learning activities, interactions, events, course progress, skill level attainment, learning status and more for trainees, departments, and teams across the country—to ensure its employees are armed with the skills and information they need to meet expectations.
Learn more about the GM story here.