CoSo Insights 2.0 Beta Program
August 7, 2018
You are invited to our CoSo Insights 2.0 Beta Program!
We’ve been working to build a new set of reports and data to help our managed service customers understand and demonstrate the value your organization derives from your CoSo Cloud implementation of Adobe Connect.
With CoSo Insights 2.0, we are adding activity reports to show trends in user behavior over time, which we believe will help to show the ROI of your Connect investment.
For example:
- You can now easily see how many meetings you’ve run over the last number of months, while at the same time see the number of people who participated, and how many total hours your users spent in those meetings.
- You will be able to identify trends in the days with the most meetings
- See whether efforts to increase user engagement with Connect have driven changes in the behavior of your user community.
- You will continue to have access to real-time and trending concurrency information available only to CoSo Cloud customers.
The commitment for this beta program is not large. Once you join, we will provide you with an introduction to the new capabilities, and let you know how the program will work. You will then have an opportunity to run Insights with a view into your current and active account environment, and experience the new reporting functionality with meaningful data. In return, we really just want to know where you are seeing value from the solution, and what else you would like added to the reports to make them even more useful for you in the future.
To participate in the program, simply reply directly to me, randah.mckinnie@cosocloud.com, include your CSM, and we will respond with more details. If you have questions, feel free to include those in your email.
The program will open later this summer, so respond now to confirm your spot! If you want to delegate participation to someone on your team, please include his or her contact details in your response.
If your Connect account is on Adobe Hosted and you are still interested to see what Insights reports are all about, feel free to reply and we can give you an overview. If you are on the managed service platform and don’t use CoSo Insights actively, this is a great chance to see what it’s all about.
Thank you in advance for your participation. We are excited to provide you with more value from your CoSo Cloud relationship.