CoSo Connection Community

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Rob Porter
Rob Porter, Head of Market and Business Development
Rob Porter, Head of Marketing and Business Development | Secure Virtual Training & Collaboration

How to Train your C-Suite

Apr 8, 2021   /   by

Virtual training in the enterprise comes with many challenges. Training managers struggle with engagement. They have the difficult task to demonstrate ROI. They’re tasked with confronting corrosive interpersonal issues in the workplace that society hasn’t been able to fix since civilization first reared its head. Suffice to say, running an effective virtual training program is […]

Teaching to the Google Generation

Feb 24, 2021   /   by

Marshall Shepherd thinks something may be missing when it comes to learning in today’s “Google It—What Does Wikipedia Say” era. His article in Forbes quotes another educator who believes memorizing facts should no longer be the emphasis in scientific learning since information can so easily be obtained with a quick search. She says students should […]

Instagram’s impact on social learning

Nov 22, 2019   /   by

As a Learning Strategist, how can we leverage what we observe from Instagram’s recent move? Is Instagram conducting a massive experiment on social behavior? And should we, as Social Learning Strategists, be carefully watching? This week Instagram expanded its tests to obscure “Like” counts to its US consumers. On the surface, social media involves two […]

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