Adobe Connect Tips – The Hidden Camera Pod
April 20, 2016
Do you ever find yourself wanting a more interesting layout for your Adobe Connect meetings or presentation to make it stand out? Here’s a layout trick that might save you some time.
I use the layout feature a lot in Connect meetings. They’re a great way to keep track of the outline of a meeting or webinar that I’m running.
I often jump back and forth between several pre-determined layouts throughout when participants ask to revisit topics. If in a subsequent layout I’ve opened a camera pod, and then I jump to an earlier layout without the camera pod, when I jump back to the camera pod layout, the pod needs all cameras being shared to be restarted. This is annoying for a single camera but can be really distracting if there are many. The Hidden Camera Pod trick is to ‘hide’ the camera pod behind one of the other pods in the layouts where it’s not being actively used. This way Connect keeps the pod active and there is no need to ‘restart’ the camera when switching to layouts using them.